I worked all day putting
a chicken fence around the
garden. Mamma went to
town in morning, she came
back in the evening. Mr
Parry went to Carbondale
on the train. Henry Mertens
died ysterday. Papa worked
all day on the lake outlet
a chicken fence around the
garden. Mamma went to
town in morning, she came
back in the evening. Mr
Parry went to Carbondale
on the train. Henry Mertens
died ysterday. Papa worked
all day on the lake outlet
Worked from home today, in an effort to focus. Got done many things that should have been done Tuesday. Picked the boys up from school so I could talk with Jake's teacher. She brushed me off. I felt betrayed by her guardedness, and unspeakably angry. I know it is a stupid manifestation, but I can't process it away. I am struck by how potent our smallest gestures are. We tune eachother's radios.